TH9 Anti-Hog/Giant bases

 Almost every high level anti-giant/hog base uses the same principle.
3 "rings" inside the walls:
1st ring - point defenses (archer/cannon) and splash defenses, separated by gaps filled with spring traps and bombs.
2nd ring - resources and heroes ONLY.  This is purely to prevent giants/hogs from targeting buildings within the 2nd ring - since they target defenses first, they will continue to follow around the first ring as the 3rd ring (below) damages them.
3rd ring - Clan Castle (ideally centered and un-lureable), town hall, xbows, and teslas - mortars in some cases.  This ring's sole purpose is to punish hogs/giants as they prance around your 1st ring.  Ideally, they are not targeted by giants/hogs, since they're out of range - the 2nd ring providing a "buffer" of sorts - and the giants/hogs disregard them until the 1st ring is destroyed.

Ringus - My absolute favorite.  NOTE: I swap the CC and TH location to make the CC less lurable - personal preference.

Stich's Anti-hog base

Mala's anti-hog base.  Note his trophy count at the time...obviously working.

Another popular anti-hog/giant base from Mavios.  You'll see this one often around Crystal 1-Master 3

Some nice bases that kicked our ass in Clan Wars:

A th8 attempt.


  1. Do you know where the traps are for mala's base?

  2. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure and I have yet to see an image of that base with the traps shown. Pretty standard fare is to make sure you have groups of 2 giant bombs together to maximize damage.

    If I were going to use it, I'd probably tweak the location of a couple of the elixir collectors to make sure I get the double giant bombs together. I'd recommend tweaking it to your liking anyway, as most folks copy it as-is. It's been in use long enough where people have learned where to attack it by now. Minor tweaks can throw them off quite a bit.

  3. this work after 24 hours guys
